Sumpter Twp. Mother and boyfriend on the run, accused of killing 4-year-old girl

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It's the not knowing that's been agony for family of 4-year-old Gabby. Her biological father is finding out along with everyone else that police are searching for the Gabby’s mother. She and her boyfriend are wanted for murder and torture. 

"Just come forward. Turn yourselves in. Come to us," said Kyle Barrett, the victim’s father. 

A plea from a broken father - as police search for his daughter Gabby’s alleged killers.

"We need you to come through so we can put Gabby to rest."

Sumpter Township Police are on the hunt for Candice Diaz and her boyfriend Brad Fields. They're accused of murder and torture.

Diaz is Gabby’s own mother.

"I don't think that Candice would do this but I don't know."

The 4-year-old was found inside of her home at the Rawsonville Woods Mobile Home Park January 1st. Fox 2 is learning she had extensive burns on her body, traumatic injuries, and other signs of abuse. 

Something her father says he hasn't seen before. 

"When I saw her – every time I had her there were no bruises, no nothing. She was perfectly fine."

Diaz and Fields are no strangers to the justice system. Diaz has weapons charges on her record and Fields had an outstanding warrant for weapons charges and domestic abuse, but his case never made it to court. 

Family on Gabby’s father‘s side have been trying to see the child.

“Everybody that tried to get her, couldn't get her,” said Stephanie Barrett, the victim’s aunt.

Gabby's aunt, Stephanie Barrett even tried to see her the day she died.

"I tried to get her New Year's Eve, and if I would have got her this wouldn't have happened."

Kyle Barrett didn't have custody of his daughter but was able to visit - so was his family. They knew the house where she was living was unfit, but say they didn't imagine something like this was happening.

"I think they were hiding things on what was going on," said Deborah Barrett

Police aren't saying where they think the pair is but are asking the public to keep an eye out for a Chevy Cavalier with the license plate DTR 1854.

As police search – Gabby’s Family wants to put an end to this, to give the littler girl the proper goodbye. 

"I want justice for her,” said Kyle Barrett, “and I want to find out where these two are."

