Tan and white van in new video could solve who killed Terry McQueen

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There are new clues in the search for a killer who gunned down his victim after an argument at a soup kitchen.

The shooter pulled up next to the victim in traffic, and opening fire - but now police are hoping you hold the key, to cracking this case.

Focus your attention on the tan and white conversion van in video just released. It shows the vehicle police say was driven by the man who murdered 55-year-old Terry McQueen.

"Everybody loved him," said Yolanda McQueen. "He was basically just a victim circumstances shouldn’t escalated that far."

Terry's younger sister Yolanda is still trying to understand what happened the morning of August 2.

Witnesses tell police a man in the tan and white conversion van got angry with McQueen because they wouldn't back out their white work van quickly enough.

McQueen and his co-worker went to get breakfast at the Capuchin Soup Kitchen, which was something they often did.  When they came out, the suspect was apparently waiting.

Police say the irate man followed their vehicle northbound on Conner. Near Chandler Park the suspect pulled alongside of them and fired several shots into the passenger seat - killing McQueen instantly.

"It didn’t make any sense," Yolanda said. "I can't wrap my head around why they did this, why would he be that angry that early in the morning."

"He wasn't getting out if the way fast enough for the man with the tan van," said Det. Laura Manzella, Detroit police. "It's a very heinous crime, there's no reason for it and this man needs to be off the street."

Manzella said a trucker who was driving behind the two vehicles at the time had a collision camera and was able to provide new video - that she is hoping will help lead to the identification of the killer.

McQueen was loved by many and was affectionately known as Uncle T at the soup kitchen. People there are just as upset as his family about the loss of a man who didn't deserve to die over a parking lot dispute.

"We just hope he gets caught and there is justice for my family so we can get some closure to this," Yolanda said.

If you have any information about the incident or recognize the van, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAK-UP, you will remain anonymous.