Taylor schools closing on Fridays over summer break

In an attempt to save money, the Taylor School District will close almost all of their buildings on Friday for the next six weeks. 

In a letter to the community, Supt. Michael Wegher said the district will reduce costs on utilities and other expenses related to opening the buildings for a fifth day. 

"We know this may cause some inconveniences, do know that we have only made this decision after careful study, and with intent of saving money for our school district," Wegher wrote.

The central office at 13500 Pine Street will be open Mon-Thurs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. All summer school programs will operate on the four-day schedule they already had set up. 

Pupil Accounting will be open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday for student registration. 

The Champions Program at Blair Moody Elementary School will still be open Monday to Friday.

EducationNewsTaylorWayne County