Teens smash window with brick to steal rainbow flag from Monroe County home

A group of boys used a landscaping brick to smash a window at a Monroe County home and steal a rainbow flag.

Surveillance video showed the three suspects, later identified as two 13-year-old boys and a 12-year-old boy, throwing a landscaping brick through a bedroom window at a home in the 8500 block of Maurice Court in Frenchtown Township on May 19. They then reached into the window and stole the flag, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office said.

The 32-year-old homeowner heard glass breaking before discovering the flag was gone.

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Airport Community Schools resource officers helped investigate the theft. On Monday, the three boys were identified, and the flag was found in a nearby field.

Deputies have forwarded a report to the Monroe County prosecutor for charges.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the sheriff's office at 734-240-7738.