The American's with Charlie LeDuff: Police expect violence no matter the Michael Brown decision

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Waiting for violence in Ferguson, Missouri. 

Charlie LeDuff and The Americans are there - trying to get a read on the police and what they're preparing for. 

Bets are, that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Brown, who was unarmed.  

That's important to say because that's why authorities are bracing for violence and that's why the media clown show has come to town. 

We talked with Jeff Roorda, the business manager of the St. Louis police officers' union for some perspective.

Two questions hang over Missouri like a cold front: Why are people so angry? Why do black guys get arrested more than white guys? Charlie asked Missouri's Governor and Roorda these questions. Click here to watch the responses and the extended cut.

What isn't being talked about, is that Wilson won't be charged because Brown put his hands on him.

Roorda agreed.

"Sure, this is a kill or be killed situation," he said. "The forensic evidence, the ballistic evidence demonstrate, in my mind, that Michael Brown went for the officer's gun, tried to disarm him. And he was going to try again when the officer used deadly force."Play the video to see what Roorda had to say about his anticipation for violence, how Wilson is doing and why the number of arrests of African Americans is higher by police.

Subscribe to The Americans with Charlie LeDuff on YouTube to see extended version of this story and to get more from Ferguson, Missouri, including live reports. 

But according to reports, the officer shot Brown 100 feet from the police car, so many people say it was not a 'kill or be killed' situation, one that didn't have to go that far.

"I don't know if that's true," Roorda said. "There's information about the forensics and the ballistics that I'm not privy to. We'll know more after the grand jury deliberates."