The Doctor Is In : Strokes

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Content is sponsored and provided by Henry Ford Health System

According to the American Heart Association, stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. On average, someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds and someone dies of a stroke every four minutes. Yet 80% of strokes are preventable. Several risk factors can be changed, treated and controlled. Before a stroke has the chance to strike, you can lower your blood pressure, lose weight, exercise more, and quit smoking. 

When someone is experience stroke symptoms, you need to act quickly. Time is of the essence, and will have a significant impact on surviving and thriving after a stroke. 


FACE DROOPING : Does one side of the face droop or is it numb?  Ask the person to smile
ARM WEAKNESS:  Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? 
SPEECH DIFFICULTY: Is speech slurred?  Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand?  Ask the person to repeat a single sentence. Is the sentence repeated correctly? 
TIME TO CALL 911 : If the person shows any of these symptoms, if they go away, call 911 and get them to the hospital quickly. 

Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals acquires robotic exoskeleton: Modern technology helps patients learn to walk again

Patients who have suffered a stroke or spinal cord injury now have access to a new wearable robotic exoskeleton as part of their rehabilitation at Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals. The Ekso GT, manufactured by Ekso Bionics, is state-of-the-art equipment designed to speed up the recovery process and offer better outcomes by getting patients back on their feet sooner. It takes some patients from being wheelchair dependent to being able to stand up and walk again. This technology is also beneficial for other neurological conditions that affect a patient's gait.

The device assists patients who have leg weakness and fills in the gap between where the patient is currently functioning and the strength normally needed to walk, while supporting the re-learning of correct step patterns and weight shifting. Using the Ekso helps to stretch and strengthen muscles. It pushes patients to go further distances, building up to 200 to 300 steps and standing for at least half an hour. Most importantly, it helps re-teach the brain how to walk correctly.

The ability for the brain to re-organize and re-learn after damage is the basis for this technology. By guiding the body into the proper movement patterns, it guides the brain to build the correct blueprints. The patients can then use these blueprints to walk with less difficulty, less assistance and a more fluid gait pattern after training with this exoskeleton.

It also significantly reduces the physical demand usually placed on the therapist when working with this population of patients, making it much safer for the patient and therapist.

Henry Ford Macomb is one of only a few places in Michigan to offer the Ekso GT. The equipment and four years of service was  a gift to the hospital from a private donor. 

For more information, phone (586) 263-2481.

2018 Metro Detroit Heart and Storke Walk/Run

Saturday, May 12

Check-In 7:30am Runners | 8:00am everyone else
Starts 10:00am
Length of Walk 1 mile route and 5K

Wayne State University
457 W Palmer Ave
Detroit, MI 48202