'This is crazy': Speeding SUV slams into home of sleeping Eastpointe family

The images are stunning of an SUV crashing into a family home in Eastpointe.

A family of four was sound asleep when this happened at 2 a.m. Sunday. Physically the Redmon family is unharmed - but mentally, they say it has been tough.

They are just taking it one day at a time and keeping things in perspective - because as bad as it is, it could have been worse.

Video from a neighbor's Ring doorbell shows the SUV speeding by, moments before impact.

"I woke up to the dresser falling on my feet. and he woke up to us screaming," said Deidre Redmon.

The SUV had just slammed into the side of Deidre's bedroom. Immediately she and her husband went to check on their kids.

"I’m like how did this even happen? This is crazy," said one of their young boys.

The Redmon family had a friend staying in the basement..

"We had to drag her, basically through the rubble to get out," said Taurean Redmon. "And we finally got the kids, and got them all out, and then called 911 and they were here in a minute."

Before first responders arrived at the scene, the driver was seen on the Ring doorbell camera getting out of the SUV.

"When he first came outside the guy he said was still in the car but he was gone by the time we all got out," Deidre said.

As for the driver responsible for this crash, police say he was found and arrested however the case is under investigation so its unknown what may have caused this person to loose control.

As the Redmons processed what was happening, they also took stock of what could have happened.

"We saw some smoke which I guess was dust from the rubble," Deidre said. "And we heard the water running and smelled gas - because the gas pipe was wide open."

As a matter of sheer luck, a gas meter positioned on the side of the house had been moved a few days earlier - it would have been directly in the path of the SUV.

While everyone is unharmed, the rebuilding process will be a long one.

"We have a laundry room and a bathroom down in the basement - it’s cracked all the way around that," said Taurean. "Basically the foundation, from what I see, is cracked all the way around."

"I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep there again," Deidre said. "I can't sleep anywhere at the moment - but definitely in there."

Luckily a little perspective can go a long way.

"Just take it one day at a time," Taurean said. "It’s very overwhelming right now, but luckily we still have each other, so we’ll lean on each other and make the best of it."

As for the driver responsible for this crash, police say he was found and arrested however the case is under investigation so it's unknown what may have caused this person to lose control.