Thousands flood Campus Martius for 2023 Detroit Tree Lighting

Holiday cheer filled Campus Martius as thousands gathered for the annual Detroit Tree Lighting downtown.

Officially kicking off the holiday season, the event featured the Downtown Detroit Markets set up in Cadillac Square, the Cadillac Lodge, carriage rides, performances from nationally known figure skaters and musicians, and more.

Despite the cold, families, friends, and lovers turned out.

"Oh man it’s amazing being down here with everybody, seeing all the people. We’re packed in like sardines, but it’s cool," one attendee said. "They’re keeping me warm."

Cheers erupted as the 64-foot, Michigan-grown tree lit up.

Some even came alone, as they couldn't miss the beloved tradition. 

"It’s my third year coming, I’m by myself. I always come by myself," another attendee said. "I just like seeing the tree light up, and being with everybody, and having a good time."
