Tougher rules could curb marijuana dispenseries

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More medical marijuana dispensaries with drive-throughs are popping up across the city of Detroit, and the people say, it's time for a change.

“These ordinances don't seek to shut down everyone. What it does is seek to make sense of what we have, in the city of Detroit which is a wild wild west,” said city councilman James Tate.

Detroit City Council member James Tate has proposed two ordinances with limitations on the hours, zoning, and means of distribution of dozens of dispensaries. This has medical marijuana advocates concerned.

Ordinance #1 (Licensing)

Ordinance #2 (Zoning)

"The organization that I belong to, promotes patient advocacy and smart access,” said one man who made a public comment at Tuesday’s council meeting. “And the centers operate drive-through window, are a pivotal player in that particular role."

“To say 500 feet from a residentially zoned area he owned area, is going to be exclusionary zoning there will be almost nowhere in the city where these places, could be located," said another public commenter.

Other community advocates, are fighting back.

"The city has turned their head on these illegal facilities to be open," said Andre Walk of 9th Precinct Community Relations.

Andre Walk and other community activists say there is danger with too many dispensaries, too close together, and with too much exposure to children.

"The facilities have been popping up like daisies. Some of them are multiple on the same street. Block to block, corner to corner, street to street, near churches and near schools. The community is in an uproar."

City council members say they are waiting to put new laws into effect until they have further talks with both sides, along with further discussions with other committees.