Vacant homes on Kilbourne in Detroit raise concerns for residents

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Residents on Kilbourne Street desperate for help with vacant homes

One house is an eyesore that looks like it could collapse at any moment, while another is continuously vandalized by squatters, according to residents.

Two vacant properties on Kilbourne Street in Detroit have been causing residents some issues.

One house is an eyesore that looks like it could collapse at any moment, while another is continuously vandalized by squatters.

A 60-year-old homeowner, who lives next door to the dilapidated house, called FOX to say she has seen questionable activity inside, and wants it torn down.

Her neighbor, Vicki Kisor, agrees.

"She has a pacemaker. We need some action over here on Kilbourne; get these houses torn down," Kisor said. "I feel bad for her because she can’t do anything. We keep her grass cut. We try to help her every way we can, but we can’t help with that."

But Kisor needs help too. She lives next door to a property that has been trashed time and time again.

The Detroit homeowner said she has called the city to help clean it up. 

"It’s causing me so many problems at my house," Kisor said. "The smell, the leaking in the basement from the water main break, every two to three days we’ll go out there and throw all the trash back over that side."

She says squatters will sometimes make themselves feel at home there. 

It’s so bad, Kisor does not let her grandchildren play out front often.

"For their protection, and my safety, we just keep them in the backyard," she said.

FOX 2 Detroit called the city and learned the property next to Kisor's home is owned by the Detroit Land Bank. A crew is expected to clean it up and re-board it Wednesday morning. 

As for the dilapidated home across the street, it is on the city’s demolition pipeline. A city spokesperson says it will be knocked down in the coming weeks.