Wanted man turns self in to Redford police after Facebook challenge fail

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It was a bit of a game of cat and mouse - with doughnuts.

The cat was Redford Township police, the mouse a wanted guy trolling them on social media, who issued a challenge and they accepted - and won.

It started on social media as so many things seem to do these days - Redford Township police officer Jennifer Mansfield gave a community update on Facebook Live - when someone started trolling her.

"We talked about an Angels Night event coming up on Six Mile, when we close down Six Mile," said Sgt. Duane Gregg. "He said if you shut down the road, I'm shutting down your police station."

He even made a veiled threat about doing something to Halloween candy for the kids. The guy went by the name Champagne Torino - but a little detective work revealed his real name is Michael Zaydel.

It turned out the 21-year-old was wanted for a probation violation stemming from a DUI and leaving the scene of an accident, and assault and battery in Redford.

"We asked him to turn himself in on his warrants," Gregg said. "He issued us a challenge, I don't think he expected us to take the challenge but we did."

That's when things got interesting - champagne posting to police - "I'm not worried about it - if your next post gets a thousand shares I'll turn myself in with a dozen donuts and that's a promise."

Police responded Oct. 6 with a post that had more than 1,000 shares in one hour and more than 4,000 now. Redford Township police posted a picture dropping the mic, while people all over the world were wondering - what would Champagne Torino do now?

"This went viral on us not only across the nation," Gregg said. "We heard from India, Australia, we heard from Greece, from the United Kingdom on this."

But they didn't hear from Michael Zaydel - then Monday evening - he delivered on his promise walking in to the Redford police department with a dozen donuts and a bagel - only to be escorted away in handcuffs and locked up.

But maybe this man of his words deserves a champagne toast for turning himself in - complete with treats.

"He brought in glazed doughnuts," Gregg said.

FOX 2: "Did you eat them?"

"No comment," Gregg said. "We're just happy to put it to bed - we're done with it."

So he'll serve 39 days in jail with the possibility of 30 more. Plus he has warrants in other communities as well - police there are just hoping to be done with him.