Warren, Ann Arbor volleyball coach arrested for sex crimes, child porn

A volleyball coach was arrested in Ann Arbor last weekend on accusations of sexual misconduct with children and possession of child pornography.

Thomas Mortensen, 38, was arrested by Ann Arbor police on Saturday, October 5, in connection to an investigation by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Mortenson lives in Ann Arbor,  is, or has been a coach at several locations across Michigan. He formerly coached at Concordia University in Ann Arbor and has been affliated with the Michigan Elite Volleyball Academy based in Warren, the Huron Valley Volleyball Club in Saline and Clague Middle School in Ann Arbor and Schoolcraft College in Livonia.

Mortenson was charged with one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of child sexually abusive activity, one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and three counts of child sexually abusive material possession. 

He's being held on a $50,000 cash bail.

FOX 2 has reached out to the Ann Arbor school district and Concordia University for a statement.

Thomas Mortensen, 38, was arrested by Ann Arbor police on Saturday and charged with one count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of child sexually abusive activity, one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and three counts of …