What's that smell? Dentist weighs in on your funky face mask odor

We all know we need to wear a mask during this pandemic. But after a couple of hours and a couple of chili dogs with onions - that air inside our mask is going to smell. 

Dr. Sean Stannard, a dentist in Waterford says scientific evidence confirms it's not the mask that smells, but rather, your breath. 

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Ways to cure your bad breathe to breathe happier in your face mask

Is that your face mask that smells? Or your breath. We talk to a dentist who says it's your breath - and he gives us ways to fix that.

"That odor that you smell is something called VSCs- or variable sulfur compound - and that is a side effect, it's a gas is produced by the bacteria that is breaking down the food products that are left between the teeth or below the gum line," Dr. Stannard says.

And the doctor has a simple test to see if you've got bad breath or not: floss. 

"Floss your teeth and then smell the floss," he says. 

And to make matters worse, he says the go-to solutions don't help. 

"Mints and things like that are not going to help the situation because the increased sugar speeds up the bacteria activity and it's only going to make matters worse," he says. 

And even though the coneys with all the onions and stuff may taste good, healthy foods will make your breath smell better.

"Apples, carrots, vegetables, crisp foods that will increase saliva flow and sort of naturally clean your teeth will freshen your breath naturally," he says. 

So at least we can do something to make our breath smell better because the mask and the smelly situation are here to stay for a while. 

In Michigan, face coverings are now required when you're out in an enclosed public space. And yes, businesses are within their rights to refuse service if you aren't wearing one. 

The governor says an acceptable face covering can be a non-medical grade face mask (save those for healthcare workers), or a bandana, scarf or handkerchief.