Winners of Michigan's 'I Voted' sticker contest selected

The winners of Michigan's ‘I Voted’ sticker contest have finally been announced, and they show off a range of creativity, loyalty to the motifs of the Great Lakes state, and perfectly channel the chaos of election year.

The nine winning designs will be available for clerks to order and give out to voters during the general election in November. 

The designs were submitted by students who attend schools in Michigan, as well as the rest of the public. Three designs drawn by students in elementary and middle school were selected, as were three from high school students. Finally, three were selected for a general category as well.

Over 480 designs were submitted and over 57,000 votes were cast to decide the winners.

"I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and creativity from the people of our great state," said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. "Now, let’s use the same energy in casting a vote this November. I encourage every eligible voter to make a plan now to have your voice heard – vote with an absentee ballot, at an early voting site, or on Election Day – and feel proud to wear a sticker designed by a fellow Michigander." 

Elementary/Middle School

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Created by Gabby Warner of Rockford

High School

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Created by Andrew Brasher of Saint Louis, a student at Alma High School

General Public

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Created by Madelyn VerVaecke of Livonia.

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Created by Olivia Smiertka of Holly, a student at Holly High School. 
