Wixom teen battles to survive after swimming accident
FOX 2 - Andy Snook was practicing football and getting ready to start Walled Lake High School but a swimming accident changed everything. The parents are now just praying their 13-year-old son makes it another day.
"My wife and I are not leaving his room until he leaves with us," said Dave Snook.
Wixom family's son fights for his life after drowning accident
Andy Snook was practicing football and getting ready to start Walled Lake High School but a swimming accident changed everything. The parents are now just praying their 13-year-old son makes it another day.
Snook, of Wixom, is at Toledo Children's Hospital where he and his wife Heather have been, since Friday night. That's when they learned their 13-year-old son who was visiting the KOA campground in Monroe County with his friend's family, attempted a swim he wasn't ready for.
Andy went under and didn't come up until a dive team volunteer who heard the call, stopped to search and pulled the teen out - 20 minutes later.
"When we first got here on Friday, they were keeping him alive until we got down here," Snook said.
Andy remains critical and on a ventilator, but doctors told his dad Tuesday, he was showing signs of hope - despite a collapsed lung and swelling - his vitals and brain activity are improving.
"They are surprised, they show up the next day, and he is still here, he is still alive, and he is doing things they didn't think that he would be able to do, as far as parts of his health," Snook said. "He is considered a miracle child."
The Snooks credit the constant love and support they have received, especially after Snook posted a heartfelt plea on TikTok.
Dave Snook says on the video, "He was in a swimming accident, he's on life support - can you do a solid for me and, say a prayer for him?"
"I had no idea that would explode the way it did," he said. "I did it for a reason, because I wanted more people to know about him, and know how much of a beautiful kid he is and just say some prayers for him."

Dave and his wife are also thankful for everyone who has contributed to a GoFundMe account started by friends - who wanted to show their support financially, so they didn't have to leave his bedside.
"It is so overwhelming about how many messages we are getting," Snook said. "I, personally, am beyond grateful for everything they are doing."
To donate: Go HERE to give to the family.