Woodward road work closing some Ferndale intersections, including Nine Mile

Getting around Ferndale is going to be a bit more tricky for the next few weeks due to road closures stemming from the Woodward Avenue project.

Crews have been working to remove a driving lane in each direction of the road for bike lanes. Other improvements are also being made, including adding bump outs at major intersections, drainage improvements, curb upgrades, resurfacing, and more.

As part of this project, which is in its final phase, Nine Mile, Cambourne, and Marshall will all partially close at Woodward.

These intersections will close as early as Wednesday, Sept. 6:

  • Cambourne StreetOpen to eastbound traffic one-way onlyClosed to westbound trafficDetour: Hilton Rd., 9 Mile Rd., and Pinecrest Dr. 
  • Nine Mile RoadOpen to westbound traffic one-way onlyClosed to eastbound trafficDetour: Hilton Rd., 8 Mile Rd., and Livernois St. 
  • Marshall StreetOpen to westbound traffic one-way onlyClosed to eastbound trafficDetour: Hilton Rd., 8 Mile Rd., and Livernois St. 

The intersections are expected to be closed for 3-4 weeks.
