Working for you: FOX 2 gives back for #21CFIMPACTWEEK

You hear us say it all the time, "FOX 2 - Working for you" and we really mean it.

We give back all year long but recently we got hands-on coming together with our colleagues across the country for a nationwide week of service. 

Our week of giving kicked off with a cereal drive.

"Our FOX 2 family is unbelievable," Jay Towers said. "This is a little tiny drop of what we do throughout the year, but to all be together today, and to sort through all this cereal to give back to kids in Detroit is really special."

It was all part of 21st Century FOX Impact Week - a national week of service in which we join colleagues from all over the country to give back to the communities where we live and work. 

"You look at that hashtag #21CFIMPACTWEEK and you think about all the different FOX employees around the country that are giving back to their communities," said Towers. "It makes you feel great not only here in Detroit but to know that our colleagues from around the United States are doing the same thing in their communities and being able to help others."

The cereal drive was a big success. We teamed up with 100.3 WNIC and Children's Hospital of Michigan to collect nearly two million servings that will go to children in need.

And that's not all, we mentored high school students from the non-profit Team Hype and visited kids interested in broadcasting at the Charles H. Wright Academy.

And we had some fun at the Sam Martin Celebrity Softball Game raising funds for charity. 

The grand finale of the week of service was packing potatoes for Gleaners Community Food Bank. More than 40 FOX 2 employees and family members rolled up their sleeves.

"It is really nice to be out in the community in Detroit on a great day doing something to give back to the people of Detroit," said Sherry Margolis. "With the people I love, my family from FOX 2, it is so much fun."

At Gleaners we packed more than 10,000 pounds of potatoes which will impact more than 8,000 of our hungry neighbors. 

Making a difference with our FOX 2 family makes it a week we won't soon forget.

"It is wonderful," Huel Perkins said. "And I love being a part of, not just this local team, but a team from across the country pitching in and giving back to our community. We should always remember that we are partners, we are neighbors with the people we serve. This makes us a real part of the community. We are not just people you see on TV. We are active, we are involved, we want to be there when you need us - and that's why we do this."