Worthy vehemently opposes Melendez early parole in letter to Michigan Parole Board
DETEROIT (WJBK) - Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy is asking the Michigan Parole and Commutation Board to deny parole that would allow former Inkster police officer William Melendez to be home before the holidays.
Worthy wrote the letter to the board on October 25, asking the board to reconsider parole for Melendez, after granting it earlier in the month.
“The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office OPPOSES this parole and would ask the board to reconsider its decision,” Worthy wrote.
The letter cites evidence shown in court during his 2015 trail that ended with his conviction of assault with intent to do great bodily harm and misconduct in office. He was convicted in November and in February of this year, Judge Vonda Evans sentenced him to no less tahn 13 months in prison, with credit for 90 days served.
"You forgot the eye of justice was watching. The dash cam designed to protect you - caught you. You knew better," Evans said in February.
Melendez sentenced to 13 mos.-10 years for Floyd Dent beating
Judge Vonda Evans full statement to William Melendez
Worthy cites the dashcam video that shows what she calls 'excessive brutality' and excessive force to brutalize Dent. Dent was unarmed, didn't fight back, and could not protect himself from the 16 blows.
"Mr. Dent suffered a blowout fracture of his right orbital bone, broken ribs, and a broken nose. Mr. Dent remained in the hospital for three days recovering from those injuries. The Court reviewed Mr. Dent's medical records and Mr. Dent testified at trial as to the nature and extent of his injuries. Mr. Dent testified at trial that as a result of the injuries he suffered at the defendant's hands, he now has problems with his memory and his cognitive abilities," Worth wrote.
READ the entire letter by clicking here.
Melendez' sentencing was less than desired by Worthy during the trial. He's currently set to be released on December 15. It's unknown at this time when he will be released.
Floyd Dent's attorney is outraged that Melendez may be released after serving just 13 months.
"Listen, you got away with a brutal beating on tape and you think about it - if i had done that or you had done that - would we get out december 15th on this case? No. So I think there's some favoritism - or at least what looks like favoritism - for a police officer," Greg Rohl said.
As a condition of his parole, Melendez must complete behavior therapy. If released on December 15, it would be exactly 13 months since he was convicted. It would also be in direct opposite of what the original probation officer wanted.
"The first probation officer that reviewed this wanted an additional 18 months so i don't know what happened after that," Rohl said.
A spokesman for the Department of Corrections says Worthy's letter will be considered but it doesn't trigger any action on a decision that's already been made.
"We're all resigned to the unfortunate reality that this man is going to get an early break - and I'm not sure what he did inside. Maybe he does deserve it - from what I saw in the video he doesn't. I'm sure I don't see anyone in the public clamoring for his early release; so is there some favoritism here? Perhaps." Rohl said.
Rohl also said Dent wants to put this behind him and reminds everyone that he had already forgiven Melendez as a man - but not as an officer.
Dent was pulled over in January 2015 for running a stop sign. Police who pulled him over said they found cocaine in his vehicle. Dent said the drugs were planted and could be seen on video not resisting arrest or the beating he took.
Dent sued the city and in May 2015, Dent and the city of Inkster settled for $1.37 million.