Young woman disabled in drive-by receives new customized house

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A Detroit teenager was critically injured, an innocent bystander in a drive-by shooting in 2009. And her father refused to give up on her even when the doctors said she wouldn't make it.

In June, we showed you just how hard it was for Dreia and her dad to get through the day, because their house wasn't wheelchair accessible.

Now thanks to generous FOX 2 viewers they are getting the keys to a home that's made to fit their needs.

On Wednesday Curtis and his daughter Dreia Davis toured their new home, courtesy of Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries.

Dreia had been living in a tiny rental with her father picking her up to move her from room to room. Now after major renovations she has space to move and a bathroom where she can actually shower. For six years Curtis has had to bathe her in her bed.

"I'm sorry," he said, getting emotional. "I said I wasn't going to do this. Wow - but this is beautiful, I love it."

Dreia loves it too but wants to see more. "My bedroom," she asked.

"Let's show you your bedroom," said Chad Audi of Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, which helped make the new house a reality.

New bedding in her favorite color blue and on a new medical bed that will lift her up and down.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome," Audi said.

"Oh my gosh, she's trying to hug you," Curtis told Audi. "This is beautiful."

Wayne County Executive Warren Evans even came to welcome Dreia home. He was police chief when she was shot at just 13 years old, an innocent bystander in a gang related drive-by six years ago.

Back then Evans visited her at the hospital, where her doctors said she would never make it

"To see six years later a father that's been as strong and determined as he is to take the level of care he's been taking," Evans said. "And her ability to fight back and say 'These are small obstacles I'm going to achieve and do some things. If you can't get excited for that, you can't get excited for anything."

The folks at Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries thought of everything and even stocked the refrigerator full of food.

"It is her house, it is her dad's house," Audi said. "Forever,"

Audi runs Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries and presented Dreia and Curtis with a handicap-accessible van, as well.

"Thank you," Dreia said as Audi handed her the keys.

Applause came from all the people who helped make this happen and their efforts are not lost on Dreia, who can't stop saying thank you.

"I like my room and my bathroom and my kitchen and my dining room," she said.

She likes everything and her friend Keifer is a big part of this. A friend from childhood - he reconnected with Dreia a few months ago and contacted FOX 2 in June when he saw they were in need.

In 90 days everything changed," Keifer said. "Their lives have been changed for the better and I'm extremely grateful."

We are, too.

If you would like to donate to Dreia's GoFundme, CLICK HERE.