Dr. Sabrina talks building strong relationships in People 911

You've heard the old saying make new friends and keep the old. But sometimes it can be tricky balancing all of our relationships.    Whether it's your family, friends, or something romantic - so many studies show the importance of strong relationships. 

Struggling with anxiety his whole life, Ronnie Clopton uses music to cope

Ronnie Clopton had a lot of trouble focusing while he was in school. He said by the time he graduated, he really couldn't focus on anything. Then he found Far Therapy, a group that works with adults and kids with learning and developmental disabilities to learn new ways to communicate. For Clopton, he found his medium in piano. In the years since picking up the instrument, he's become quite proficient.

NAMI annual walk, raising awareness and erasing the stigma

Saturday on Belle Isle, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) was out in force as walkers warmed up before lacing up their shoes for the organization's yearly walk to raise awareness and erase the stigma of mental illness. 

Mom blogger infuses humor and sarcasm into her stories of addiction and depression

Tiffany Jenkins grew up around alcohol, drugs and a subsequent addiction that led her down a dark path in high school. The daily struggle was magnified by depression and eventually led to her dropping out of school. Now, years later she blogs about those experiences, infusing and sarcasm into those stories. She's clearly tapped a market of interested followers that now number three and a half million followers. Find her book "High Achiever" on Amazon.