Security guard shot and killed while on the job in Taylor
A Taylor security guard was killed late Wednesday night while on the job -- and police said her boyfriend is now in custody.
Taylor teen remanded to jail after fatally stabbing sister
A 13-year-old Taylor girl accused of murdering her sister while babysitting her will remain in jail as her case moves through the legal system.
Apartment fire destroys unit at Taylor Ponds complex, 6 people displaced
Although only one living space can be seen heavily damaged by fire, other residents in neighboring units were forced from their homes due to shared attic space.
13-year-old Taylor girl who stabbed sister to death due in court for bond hearing
A teen girl accused of murdering her younger sister in Taylor is due in court Tuesday for a bond hearing.
Prosecutor: Taylor 13-year-old who fatally stabbed sister may face adult sentence upon conviction
"An adult designation allows the judge to have the option of sentencing the respondent as a juvenile, or as an adult, or to fashion a blended juvenile sentence with the option of imposing an adult sentence if the juvenile is not rehabilitated," according to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office.
Police: Taylor teen who stabbed 7-year-old sister to death had 'never been in trouble'
The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office thought the bond was too low and remanded the defendant to the Juvenile Detention Center.
Taylor police: Note about flushing toilet led 13-year-old to fatally stab sister
The argument between sisters "stemmed from a note that was placed in the bathroom and the note was about flushing the toilet," said Taylor Detective Cpl. Zachary Digiacomo. The 13-year-old is now facing multiple charges, including first-degree premeditated murder.
‘They were best friends’: Neighbors stunned after Taylor 13-year-old accused of killing 7-year old sister
Taylor neighbors were stunned on Saturday to learn a 7-year-old girl was stabbed to death -- and her 13-year-old sister to believed to be responsible.
Taylor 7-year-old girl stabbed to death, 13-year-old sister in custody
A Taylor 7-year-old girl has died after police said she was stabbed to death by her 13-year-old sister on Saturday.
Ex-patient of arrested Taylor doctor: 'How many lives did he ruin?'
Her family urged her to seek a second opinion, which she received from the Mayo Clinic. Doctors there determined she wasn't having seizures and never had one.
Secret bedroom found in raided Taylor doctor's office, as 'pill mill' allegations mount
On Tuesday the 78-year-old neurologist was arrested for allegedly overprescribing painkillers to thousands of people at his clinic in Taylor.
Taylor doctor arrested in office raid for large painkiller scam, fake medical bills
The 78-year-old doctor is accused of prescribing painkillers to thousands of patients who did not need them and falsifying medical bills and records.
Semi-truck plows into 'Eureka Way' sculpture in Taylor, shutting down Telegraph on Monday
Several vehicles were out of commission out of the crash, while dozens of metal pipes were also strewn across the busy intersection.
Taylor police search for man who made disturbing request to 12-year-old at park
Police are searching for an individual who was reportedly riding a bicycle in nothing but his underwear at a Taylor park last week when he made a disturbing request to a child.
Taylor North, Florida, Chinese Taipei and Nicaragua play for titles in the Junior League Baseball World Series
Chinese Taipei is the defending world champion of the Junior League. Taylor North, which won the Little League World Series two years ago, is the defending Junior League United States champion.
Junior League World Series opens 42nd year in Taylor
The Junior League World Series is a week-long international tournament for the best teams of 13 and 14-year-old baseball players from around the world. Founded in 1981, the Junior League World Series is the “older brother” of the Little League World Series held annually in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for the best teams of 12-year-olds.
Annual Ride for Autism takes on special meaning after man's death
What began in 2005 for Victor Chrenenko - is now a ride in his memory. Victor died in October at the age of 29.
Taylor woman runs out of gas after leading police on three separate chases
Police originally found the woman asleep in her car in the parking lot of a convenient store. Instead of getting out, she fled police.
Over $100,000 in Harley Davidson bikes stolen as thieves crash through Taylor store
"We’re looking at somewhere in the neighborhood of $150,000 in property let alone what we don’t know as of yet, damage-wise," Gale said.
Taylor gas leak on Telegraph causes businesses to be evacuated
The gas leak has since been fixed by DTE, according to Taylor police. It was caused after a homeless man made his way into a manhole in the area.