Two men rescued from collapsed hole in Wyandotte

FOX 2 was told that a worker had been underneath the ground in a hole that collapsed at 6:45 p.m. A worker who was there said a three-man crew was working on a residential sewer line that they were fixing. They had to dig down to work on the line and were just wrapping up when the incident happened. Two workers were in the hole. One of the men got out shortly after. Meanwhile, one man was trapped under dirt and clay.

Rescuers work to free man from hole in Wyandotte

The incident happened on Walnut and 17th Street where neighbors told FOX 2 that utility crews had been at work in the area since 5 p.m. As of 11 p.m. Tuesday, emergency crews from all over Wayne County are on the scene attempting to help rescue the workers.

Pothole season is here in Michigan, and workers are prepared

It's an early start to pothole season, and crews are already out working to fix the roads. But it's not just the crumbling pavement causing trouble. Crews were out all day Tuesday patching up county and state roads. This is the start of what they say will be a busy week, and already there's been high risk.