AAA finds interest in EVs declining as Americans turn attention to hybrids

Bre Teamer chats with Gary Bubar, Traffic Safety Specialist from AAA, about AAA's most recent study on Electric Vehicles (EVs) indicates a decline in consumer interest in purchasing EVs. Only 18% of U.S. adults say they would be "very likely" or "likely" to buy a new or used EV (not a hybrid) - down from 23% last year. Even more revealing, 63% cited “unlikely or very unlikely” to purchase an EV for their next car purchase. "Early adopters who wanted an EV already have one," said Greg Brannon, director of automotive research at AAA. "The remaining group of people who have yet to adopt EVs consider the practicality, cost, convenience, and ownership experience, and for some, those are big enough hurdles to keep them from making the jump to fully electric." AAA found the main hesitations in purchasing an EV continue to cost, lack of convenient charging options, and range anxiety. Three in ten also cited the inability to install a charging station where they live. Accessible, reliable, affordable, and convenient charging is key to growing EV interest and adoption. For people who live in an apartment or condo, at-home charging options are likely not possible. An EV might be a great choice for households with 2+ cars, but it might not fit the consumer who has to rely on their car for everyday use and travel.

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