5 tips from Fit Body to keep healthy habits during the holiday season | FOX 2 Detroit

5 tips from Fit Body to keep healthy habits during the holiday season

There are distractions everywhere & constantly - holiday parties, gatherings, and the time we spend with others rather than taking care of ourselves. This is hands-down the hardest time for individuals to stay on track with their own health and wellness routines, so here are 5 tips to keep the FOX 2 audience healthy and navigate the holiday season:

  • Prioritize Sleep & Water - With the holiday parties/gatherings, family events, and everything else on the to-do list, things take a back seat… DO NOT jeopardize your sleep & water. Sleep & hydration are essential in regulating your hormones (which help with muscle gain & fat loss) and metabolic process (all functionality of healthy process of organs and metabolism).
  • 3 Workouts per Week - This is a baseline staple for general health and wellness; the body in motion stays in motion and 3x week is the CDC baseline. Just like the holiday parties, put them on your calendar and don’t miss them!
  • Don’t go to Holiday Parties Hungry - Yes, enjoy yourself at parties… but eating a healthy meal before you gather will help you prevent overeating poor investment foods which gatherings tend to have.
  • Wait 15 Minutes - If you’re hungry, drink a glass of water, and wait 15 minutes. Oftentimes, the brain lags on the satiety receptors from your stomach; so giving yourself a little time (and water) will help you figure out if you’re really hungry, or if you’ve already overdone it.
  • One-AND-One -As you enjoy yourself, do so with balance: one glass of eggnog & then one glass of water. Keep them paired and keep yourself hydrated… and this will also keep you from truly experiencing feeling it the next day.

When you plan ahead, you are exponentially likely to stick to the plan… and remember: no one is perfect. You will over-eat. You will over-indulge. Don’t beat yourself; rather, balance yourself out… and that’s exactly what Fit Body is here for! And here’s what we specifically did for our clients while making a MASSIVE impact in the community through Charity, too!

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