Paper Plane Cocktail: Chef Bobby puts his twist on a classic

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Chef Bobby's Paper Plane Cocktail

Chef Bobby puts his twist on this classic cocktail that is simple to make and easy to drink.

Invented by the New York bartender Sam Ross in 2007, the "paper Plane' is a  likable whiskey sour with plenty of culinary complexity. 

Here's How Chef Bobby makes one.


1½ ounces Amaro (preferably Nonino)

1½ ounces Aperol

1½ ounces Bourbon

1½ ounces fresh lemon juice, strained

Preparation: Combine Amaro, Aperol, Bourbon, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is frosty, about 20 seconds. Strain into 2 coupe glasses.