Wish Upon a Teen surprises girl with heart disease with decorated hospital room

Wish Upon a Teen's Design My Room Program helps lift the spirits of teens who are in the hospital long term. Volunteers come in and redesign the space to make things more comfortable for them. 

Malea was born with cardiomyopathy. She had a transplant in 2015, but is currently awaiting another heart transplant because she's gone into heart failure with the other one. 

While Malea and her family waited in the patient lounge at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Nancy Sovran from Wish Upon a Teen worked her magic with some of Malea's favorite colors and favorite things.

You can watch Malea getting her new, decorated hospital room in the video player above.  

If you want to donate or sponsor a hospital room, visit www.withuponateen.org for more information. 

Series Amys AngelsMornings