1.2 million Michiganders to travel for Memorial Day weekend - find local gas prices and events here

This year, 1.2 million Michiganders are expected to travel for Memorial Day weekend. 

That's 79,000 more than last year and the closest indication that travel rates in Michigan is inching closer to pre-pandemic travel levels - which represents a three-year lull from the crazy travel days, packed airports, and long lines at train stations. 

Most though are expected to drive the holiday weekend of May 26-29.

That begs the question, how costly will it be to transport the whole family for Memorial Day weekend? Currently, the average gas prices in Michigan are $3.62 a gallon. It's slightly less in Wayne County and slightly more in the surrounding counties in Southeast Michigan.

"Memorial Day weekend is the kickoff to what promises to be a very busy summer travel season," said Debbie Haas, Vice President of Travel for AAA. "Despite various inflationary pressures, consumer spending is strong, and Americans still want to travel. 

"Because of that, we’ve seen demand come roaring back, just shy of pre-pandemic levels in Michigan."

RELATED: Movement, Ballpark Beer Fest, BBQ Fest, and more things to do this Memorial Day Weekend in Metro Detroit

For anyone not expected to travel, they'll find so much to do at home. That includes a balloon fest, Movement Festival in Detroit on Saturday, the BBQ fest in Novi, The Ballpark Beer Fest in Royal Oak, and a bevy of Memorial Day parades dotting the landscape.
