ACLU of Michigan working to undo 1931 state law making abortion a felony

The ACLU and others are fired up about the leaked Roe vs Wade draft decision that likely will undo a federal right to abortion.

In Michigan, it would trigger a 1931 law that makes abortion in Michigan a crime.

"We have the ability to proactively fight two, not just protect, but proactively fight to ensure these rights are protected in our state constitution," said Melissa Kovach, ACLU policy strategist.

The ACLU picked up over 17,000 new volunteers since the leaked opinion - yet the ACLU needs a minimum of 425,000 signatures by July 11 to have the voters in November decide to undo that 1931 law - and make abortion legal again in Michigan.  

But there's organized opposition.

FOX 2:  "What do you say to the Catholic organizations, for example, that say the real victims here are the unborn babies and they can't vote?"

"Abortion is healthcare," said Kovach.

The Archdiocese Of Detroit released a statement from Archbishop Allen Vigneron that said, in part:

"… regardless of the outcomes in Washington or Lansing, the Archdiocese of Detroit will remain committed to standing up for the rights of all persons, from conception to natural death. And we will continue to prioritize providing clear, realistic, and effective alternatives to abortion."  

FOX 2: "If the vote was taken today what would be the outcome be?"

"We know that Michigan voters overwhelmingly support a legal right to abortion," Kovach said. "That is a Michigan value that has been around for decades and has been unwavering."

However, the Archdiocese said in a statement that local churches must commit a major portion of resources to opposing this initiative.

The ACLU does not know how many signatures it has at this time but, the fight is on.

"This isn't something that the government should interfere with," Kovach said.