All-natural cleaning supply company donates 10,000 products to schools for fall reopening, including Detroit

No one knows when, or if most schools will open this fall. When they eventually do, school leaders have to have a plan to keep their buildings clean and safe, but it will cost more than anyone budgeted for.

A company that specializes in natural cleaning products is working to help.

"We have always understood the importance of creating a safe environment for families took on new meaning with Covid," said Stuart Landesberg.

Landesberg is the CEO and co-founder of Grove Collaborative, which specializes in natural cleaning essentials saw the challenge schools were facing. now, more than ever before, school districts would have to keep their facilities free of germs and COVID-19.

Knowing the products created by globe collaborative would help, so the San Francisco based company decided to donate 100,000 products to schools across the country.

"Hopefully relieve some of the financial burdens of reopening, and also keep their classrooms clean without the harsh chemicals found in many conventional cleaning products," he said.

 "We want to thank you for your action knowing the need of schools around the country, we really appreciate your donation to Jalen Rose Leadership Academy," said Wendie T. Lewis. 
Lewis is the principal of Jalen Rose Leadership Academy, one of three Detroit charter schools welcoming the generous donation, was able to personally thank Stuart on our joint Zoom call.

On Tuesday, Grove Collaborative dropped off boxes of everything from hand sanitizer and paper towels to cleaning products and toilet tissue.

"We are extremely grateful for it, we know that our budget will be hit hard because of Covid. Schools across Michigan face cuts of $500 to $1,000 per student for our school that could equate to $250,000," Lewis said.

With so many schools experiencing a lack of funding, Grove Collaborative is hoping other cleaning supply companies follow their example, donating what they can to help students and their teachers make the safest transition into this school year.

"I have so much gratitude for what all these schools do, and teachers are such heroes. As a company focused on cleaning products, this what we can do to give back to a community which we are so grateful," said Landesberg.

You can reach out to Grove Collaborative at

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