Detroit triples COVID-19 vaccination appointments starting next week

The City of Detroit will expand access to COVID-19 vaccinations and increase the number of vaccinations done at the TCF Center three fold, starting next week.

Mayor Mike Duggan made the announcement regarding the expansion of access to the COVID-19 vaccine at 2 p.m. You can watch it in the player below.

Duggan announced that the city is expanding the vaccinations to people who are 65 and older and they can make appointments to get vaccinated at the TCF Center in the next few weeks.

"We've got what we want. We're going to triple the vaccinations next week," Duggan said.

According to Duggan, they'll move from 5,000 vaccinations this week to 15,000 starting next week. Vaccinations will happen between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., an expansion of three hours.

Duggan also announced that residents who work in any medical field and live in Detroit - veterinarians, physical therapy, dentists - anyone who lives and works in Detroit in a healthcare-related field can now be vaccinated by calling the city of Detroit at 313-230-0505.

You must show a license, paystub, and proof of employment to obtain the vaccine. 


  • Detroits who are 65 and older
  • Detroit K-12 teachers and employees/child care workers
  • City of Detroit employees who are working on site
  • USPS employees who live OR work in Detroit
  • Federal & state law enforcement
  • Members of the clergy
  • Funeral home and mortuary workers
  • Any healthcare worker who lives and works in Detroit

Last week, Duggan announced that residents 68 and older are eligible for the vaccine, just two days after a press conference when he said the city had several thousand fewer vaccines than expected. 

As of Jan. 28, the city has received 18,450 doses of the vaccine and administered 14,966 doses.

The city is also rolling out a map of the progress of the COVID-19 vaccine within the city at

Detroit has encountered problems with the number of vaccines on hand, as most cities and states have seen, and last week Duggan said they had 3,000 fewer doses than were expected and had to adjust the scheduling of some doses.

Duggan has stated the city has a goal of administering 10,000 doses each week and the TCF Center has enough of a supply to administer 1,000 doses each day.

DetroitCoronavirus VaccineCoronavirus in Michigan