Detroit Pistons award scholarships through poetry, poster contest

The Detroit Pistons gave a group of Detroit students the chance to win thousands for college through a poetry and poster contest held to celebrate Black History Month.

Pistons legend Rick Mahorn is joining forces with the Detroit Pistons Foundation for the yearly Black History Month Scholarship Event that allows high school seniors to recite poetry or design a poster with a theme of The Past, The Present, My Future.

"The Pistons were very ingratiating in letting me have this event. It's been going for 15 years, and I'm really proud of the students," he said.

Mahorn spent the day watching and judging as the students compete for $80,000 in scholarships. Detroit Basketball legends say the skill set to compete on this stage in this competition is much like competing in basketball.

"It's the same thing -- you've got to prepare, you've got to practice, you've go to get ready, and then to be on stage in front of all their classmates," said former Piston Earl Cureton.

FOX 2's own Hilary Golston also served as a judge.

"The performances that they deliver - it gives you hope, it gives you inspiration," she said.

Cass Tech Senior Deena Allen took the first place $25,000 scholarship, Imari Deadrick took second for $15,000 and many other students won scholarships as well.

"I hope it inspires them to further their education but not only that -- teach somebody, come back and help someone else," Mahorn said.

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