Detroit woman hit by falling brick from blighted building
DETROIT (WJBK) - A building crumbling, piece by piece Detroit’s southwest side.
One woman says one falling brick hit her while she was walking by.
Colleen Bentley says she was in this lot near Hubbard and Porter training her service dog when just like that several bricks fell down off this building.
"I was right behind the pole and bunch of them fell and I tried to jump back," she said. "And it just hit my shoulder.
"I put ice on it, it's been hurting."
Bentley says she feared something like this would happen to one of the kids who play in the lot so she says she reached out to city officials last year. Then again in May and June of this year.
"I've tried calling the city because I've seen bricks fall and I don't want kids to get hurt and nothing is being done," Bentley said.
And Bentley says bricks aren't the only hazard, she says there is also illegal activity at this building.
"In the front they do drugs at night," she said.
FOX 2 reached out to city officials and were told:
"Our inspectors last visited the property owned by Southwest Housing Solutions in 2012. We plan to follow-up with further inspections this week. Depending on our findings, it's very possible we will issue new tickets and a timeline for the owner to make the necessary repairs."
FOX 2 also contacted Southwest Solutions and they say:
"We are deeply concerned about the welfare of our community and its residents. Our goal is transform this row of historic townhomes, which has been vacant for more than a decade, into a neighborhood asset. We will continue to secure and maintain the property as we seek financing to revitalize it. "
Bentley says she wants to see a solution sooner than later.
"Fix it," she said. "Tear it down. We don't need people getting hurt."