Guilty: Handyman from hell gives up trying to build a defense in court

An Oakland County handyman appeared in court today for the beginning of his criminal trial, accused of defrauding an elderly client out of thousands of dollars.

James Walsh has always maintained his innocence, asserting he was "eager to present his case to a jury." However, on Monday, he changed his tune.

Rob Wolchek had previously confronted Walsh.

Wolchek: "Why did you take that lady's money, James?"

James Walsh's attorney: "We have no comment, sir. Thank you very much."

James Walsh, the handyman, now stands as a convicted felon. Monday marked the commencement of his trial.

Two months prior, Walsh and Wolchek had the following exchange:

James Walsh: "I'm done talking."

Wolchek: "Okay. Are you going to go to trial?"

James Walsh: "Yes. I always intended to."

However, that would never come to pass. James opted to plead no contest. He simply is a crook.

A disheartening conclusion for the "handyman from hell."

The saga began in spring of 2022, when Rob interviewed Mary Lou, a pleasant octogenarian with a home in Sylvan Lake. Her handyman was James Brian Walsh.

"I thought he was my friend," said Mary Lou. "I really liked him. He was nice."

But the seemingly benign handyman had been pilfering from Mary Lou, writing checks to himself from her account. Mary Lou and her niece suspected the theft amounted to about $30,000.

Consequently, Mary Lou was forced to sell her home.

"I can't sleep. I get stomachaches. I'm buying Pepto Bismol. He just made my life miserable," she lamented. "He was my friend."

When Wolchek first interviewed Mary Lou, Walsh had vanished. Sylvan Lake police issued a warrant for his arrest, but his whereabouts remained unknown.

Wolchek searched for him throughout the summer, monitoring his Facebook page, which led to a Tigers game post. Following a lead from Walsh's Facebook friend's address in Waterford, Wolchek found him.

The next day, Wolchek tailed James Walsh to a 7-Eleven.

Wolchek: "You didn't forge any checks?"

James Walsh: "I did not."

Wolchek: "Did you remove checks? Sometimes the handwriting looks different. There's a lot of missing money, and she thinks you took it."

James Walsh: "Okay, but that's false."

Wolchek: "It's false?"

James Walsh: "Yes, absolutely false."

Walsh was arrested and posted bond, but later skipped a court appearance. Two months later, Wolchek tracked James down once again, discovering him living with another elderly woman.

Wolchek: "Who are you living with now? Does she know about your past?"

Walsh: "She's a very good friend of mine. It's none of your business."

Mary Lou once thought the same of Walsh.

"He's the last person I'd suspect," she stated. "He was my friend."

Related: Handyman from hell gets nailed

At the Oakland County Circuit Court, Walsh deemed a trial too perilous to proceed.

Judge: "Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give in this court is the whole truth?"

Walsh: "Uh, yes."

Judge: "Is it your choice to plead no contest?"

Walsh: "Yes."

Walsh pleaded no contest to three counts of felony uttering and publishing and one count of felony forgery.

He could face up to 14 years in state prison but remains free on bond for now.

At the courthouse elevator, his attorney spoke on his behalf while Walsh grimaced and averted his gaze.

Wolchek: "Do you have anything to say?"

James Walsh's attorney: "We have no comment."

Wolchek: "You plead no contest. You're a felon now. Why did you take that woman's money, James?"

James Walsh's attorney: "No comment, thank you."

Wolchek: "Would you like my card?"

James Walsh's attorney: "I don't need it."

Certainly, he doesn’t, knowing exactly where James Walsh is headed - The Haaaaaall of Shaaaaaaame!

James Walsh is due back in court for sentencing on November 13. Mary Lou and her niece, Mary, plan to confront Walsh in court and provide testimony regarding the devastation his crimes caused.

James Walsh pleaded guilty in court Monday.