Michigan company sending 2,000 kayaks to Texas and Louisiana

Ashley Ward kayaks down a flooded street that has been inundated with water from Hurricane Harvey on August 27, 2017 in Houston, Texas. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

A western Michigan company is sending about 2,000 kayaks to parts of Texas and Louisiana to help with flooding relief and rescue efforts following Harvey.

Retailer Walmart is buying the kayaks from Muskegon-based KL Outdoor, according to WOOD-TV .

KL Outdoor is covering the shipping costs, said Chuck Smith, its chief executive.

Walmart will sell or donate them in areas hit hard by the storm, said Smith, who added that the retailer contacted his company.

"They said, `Look, we're interested in shipping a couple thousand boats down into Louisiana and Texas. Can you guys help us out?"' Smith told the television station.

Some kayaks were sent out Monday. The rest were expected to be put on trucks Tuesday.

How to help the Texas flooding victims impacted by Hurricane Harvey 

Harvey made landfall late Friday along the Texas Gulf Coast as a Category 4 hurricane. Officials have since received thousands of calls and pleas for rescue.

On Monday, heavy rain from the storm reached rooflines of single-story homes in Houston and other communities.

Boats and kayaks are being used to reach people stranded on rooftops.

"I think you're seeing the best in our country when we have these situations like what's occurring now in Texas," Smith said. "It lets you know that if you ever got put in that situation, the other folks around the country would step up and help you."
