Mom maintains innocence after boy, 5, tests positive for cocaine
DETROIT (WJBK) - A five year old boy was rushed to the hospital Tuesday night after he was acting erratically. The boy was determined to be high on cocaine but the boy's mother doesn't know what happened.
The boy's mom took him to Detroit Children's Hospital for a psychological analysis. That's when the boy tested positive for cocaine. His 37-year-old mother told investigators she had no idea how her son came into contact with cocaine.
Deputies said the boy was staying with his mom on Englewood Street Tuesday when he somehow got into cocaine. A friend of the mother's said he doesn't believe it came from his mother.
Detroit police: 5-year-old tests positive for cocaine
"I wouldn't suspect no drug activity. If he does have it in his system or whatever they said, I wouldn't expect it to come out of there," Jay said. "He probably was out here and came across something. This is a drug area."
A hospital social worker contacted Detroit Police and its child abuse unit along with child protective services. The mom maintains she has no idea how her 5-year-old came into contact with the drug.
Some neighbors defend the mother but others say they've frequently seen drug activity on this block and at her home.
"They already drug tested her, she's clean. She works hard, single parent," a friend of the mom's said.
Detroit Police said Wednesday the mother is still in custody as they continue to investigate. The Wayne county prosecutor's office will decide what charges she could face.
"She doesn't deserve what she's going through," her friend said.