Pollster: Harris, Dems need to pump the brakes on EV demands

Michigan pollster Bernie Porn has some advice for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, change your tune and slow down the push for more electric vehicles.

But the Biden administration shows no outward signs of doing that after GOP candidate and former President Donald Trump flipped the EV issue from a manufacturing challenge into a political one.

"He is telling UAW workers the Biden administration's EV policies will cost them their jobs," Porn said.

Porn is a pollster with EPIC MRA, and has this advice for the Harris campaign.

"I'm suggesting she try to modify and support a slow-down. We are moving too fast," he said. "We need to deal with hybrids and not push so much."

The Democratic candidate has not addressed this or any other issues with reporters on the stump so far.

The GOP vice-presidential candidate JD Vance is calling her out for not meeting with the media since she was made the candidate after President Joe Biden bowed out of the race July 21.

But when it comes to EVs, the Biden Administration shows no sign of slowing down demands to have 50% EV sales by 2030.

But to get there, Energy Secretary and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm says more charging stations are needed, and would-be consumers want sticker shock relief from the gas pumps.

"We want to lower the prices so that people buy them," she said. "And now because of the Inflation Reduction Act, we can see that EVs and the internal combustion engines are on par, and in many cases EVs are less."

Porn says the EV political issue could cost the Democrats some votes if Harris doesn't read the room.

"This is something that even among union members, I think they are not as supportive of that notion as one would think," he said.

So will she break with the administration? As Granholm used to say - stay tuned.