Prosecutor of child killer Arthur Ream: he is leading police on wild goose chase | FOX 2 Detroit

Prosecutor of child killer Arthur Ream: he is leading police on wild goose chase

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After six days the big dig in Macomb County has been suspended - they were looking for the bodies of missing girls.

Police didn't find any remains but there could be more searches. Last Monday police began searching a 24-acre field near 23 Mile and N. Avenue looking for the body of 12-year-old Kim King who disappeared in 1979. It was feared four to six other girls could also be buried there.
Arthur Ream is in prison for killing Cindy Zarzycki who disappeared in 1986. Ream led police to her body in 2008 in a shallow grave in the same area.

According to Warren Mayor Jim Fouts, Ream got permission from an elderly neighbor to keep his 30 to 40 beehives on the property.

Former prosecutor Steve Kaplan says Arthur Ream is leading investigators on a wild goose chase - and says he has nothing to gain but attention.

"Arthur Ream is a hoaxster and a huckster, he is not believable," said Kaplan. "He is an incorrigible and chronic liar. He is incapable of being truthful."

Steve Kaplan may know best, he prosecuted Arthur Ream a decade ago for the murder of 13-year-old Cindy Zarzycki. He says Ream lied to investigators then and is toying with authorities now.

"I think he likes attention," Kaplan said. "Somehow police received a tip Arthur Ream was boasting about committing other murders they interviewed him. In his unusual way, his inimitable way, he led them on (and) gave them just enough information to seem credible."

Kaplan says it wasn't until after Ream was convicted did he led police to Zarzicki's body in the field in the area of 23 Mile Road and North Avenue in Macomb Township.
Ten years later, Kaplan believes Ream is just trying to get a new audience by leading investigators back to that area with hopes of finding the bodies of five to seven more girls that disappeared in the 1970s and 1980s. 

FOX 2: "Do you think he killed them?"

"No, no, it doesn't fit his pattern," Kaplan said. "He has an m.o. on how he lured teenage girls. This would not be his style, his format."

Kaplan says girls Ream sexually assaulted in the past, he met through their parents or their church. He says there is no indication he knew any of those girls or was ever in the same area. 

In fact, Kaplan believes with the evidence they uncovered years ago - Ream is only responsible for killing Zarzicki.
"I understand why police have attempted to locate the bodies in the field it would be derelict of them not to when they have been given information," he said. "But I think they sold him a bill of goods why did he do that? For attention."

In spite of that, Kaplan said police should be commended for putting forth a full effort in closing these cases. And he hopes one day the families involved get the answers they deserve."