The Pulse: Joe Biden comes to Michigan - and takes his high-stakes campaign with him

Tonight on the Pulse, we are talking about President Joe Biden's pit stop in Detroit.

His visit to Michigan underscores both the urgency behind his campaign and the necessity to turn out the vote in the state, which could be a major player in the 2024 election.

Related: ‘Motown is Joetown’; Biden comes out swinging in Detroit

While Biden appeared at his most energetic in weeks, he continues to suffer defections from Democrats within Congress. What might the next week hold for the president's campaign?

Related: 'Abandon Biden' protest group standing by rejection of president during Michigan visit

Also: who could be Donald Trump's running mate? We're looking at potential options. 

Last night's Pulse: Did President Biden's press conference change the narrative - or make it worse?

The PulseJoe BidenPolitics