Support those on the front lines with nurse care packages

Nurses need love too.

“I just want nurses everywhere to know they're supported and they're not alone,” said Cat Golden.

Cat is a nurse who started a support group a couple of years ago called Nurses Inspire Nurses. Now they're supporting their colleagues through a time of crisis.

“Nurses are very rarely going to ask anyone for help, but they're scared right now -- they're nervous,” she said. “Nurses can't stay home -- they can't work from home.”

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But we can work from home to support them. Cat says she's making this really easy on us, all we have to do is go to her Amazon wish list to send that care package.

“Each box is for a whole unit. We ship it to the individual nurse and then they take it to their unit,” she said.

Inside those boxes is everything from granola bars and gum to coffee and pens, and perhaps the most important part - a personal thank you note from you.

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“We're overwhelmed with gratitude of all these notes - all these things that people are saying to these nurses and how much appreciation and gratitude - all the donations we've gotten,” Cat said. “It sounds crazy but nurses need the support. They need to be encouraged. They're scared, tired -- they have all the same emotions that you and I have.”

In the past two weeks, they've been able to get supplies to about 2,000 nurses, but they have 7,000 on their list so far, so they'll keep sending care packages as long you keep supporting those caring for our loved ones on the front lines.

“Some of the people writing letters and even sending in donations are actually nurses doing it for other nurses - and to me, it's magical when we support each other,” Cat said.

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