United Community Family Services looking for gently used clothing for women in need

For Diana Ahalbo, coming to the US from Iraq was necessary for a better future.

"It’s a new life, it’s like a piece of heaven on earth," she said.

Many who come to the US in search of a better life turn to organizations like United Community Family Services for help.

"It’s a lot in every direction wherever you go they are going to help you," she said.

United Community Family Services works to support those in need.

"Everything in our warehouse is truly shared with the community, it goes at no charge to our families who are our clients," said Kristin Olmedo.

There’s a food pantry, tutoring services and furniture for those in need.

But this nonprofit wants to empower its clients to help themselves and in honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, this organization needs your help.

"We are asking the community to donate gently used women’s professional clothing," said Olmedo. "So when our clients go for a job interview that they feel confident and have a great outfit to wear."

The program is Clothes for a Cause.

"This is just a great way for other women to help women," she said. "But specifically women who just come to the United States - it’s a scary journey."

And once you pick out your attire, this nonprofit will also help you get the job.

"We have a job placement coordinator and she’ll help with resume, help locate jobs," said Olmedo. "Transportation is a huge barrier for our clientele, especially for our women will help provide transportation assistance in the form of Uber for Lyft gift cards."

To learn how to make a donation, you can visit Fox2Detroit.com

Diana found her dream job right at United Community Family Services.

"For me it’s like heaven again. It’s perfect. I love it," she said.

"If everyone would help out each other just a little bit it would have such a huge impact in the world," said Olmedo. 

Diana Ahalbo of United Community Family Services.

Diana Ahalbo of United Community Family Services.