Today is Earth Day. How will you celebrate our planet?

What does Earth Day mean to you?

(courtesy: NOAA)

This is the day set aside to celebrate our planet. To look around and appreciate the beauty of Earth and to ask ourselves, "What can I do to make the planet a healthier, safer place to live?" 

This year’s Earth Day theme is Restore Our Earth. There are many environmental challenges and climate concerns fighting for attention. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, April 22nd has been the day set aside to focus on the planet’s health.

There are many things we can do. Even if you choose just one thing, you will make a difference. Take a walk and pick up trash in your neighborhood. Choose a concern that inspires you to action. Is it environmental justice, agriculture, citizen cleanup, recycling, green technology? If you’re looking for ideas, has a list of events you can participate in virtually.

(Michigan rain garden. Courtesy:

Have you considered planting a rain garden? If you have an area on your property that seems to collect rain water from a roof or runoff from storms, that may be the perfect location to plant. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, runoff is a major source of water pollution carrying chemicals, fertilizers or toxins to the nation’s waterways. By planting deep rooted plants, your rain garden could reduce the amount of pollutants that leave your yard and enter nearby lakes, streams and ponds.

If you’re interested, here’s a link to building your own rain garden.

On this Earth Day, what will you do to reflect, respect, restore our Earth?            Every little bit helps.

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