Created by therapists, Camp Therapyology holds outdoor camp for kids who'll get out and get social

"To me it is a personal passion of mine to work with this generation and really follow in the footsteps of my father," said Brooke Bendix.
Since losing her father, a beloved family practitioner when she was just 16, Bendix decided to make it her mission to help other young people work through their most challenging times.

Facing this pandemic with social isolation and the cancellation of summer camps, Bendix, a licensed psychotherapist based in Farmington Hills, knew children and teens needed more support now than ever.

"They have been sitting behind screens like you and I are, for hours on end," she said. "And they are in need not only of physical activity but getting outside and social interaction. That is where we came up with this idea how and pair with this how are we going to address mental needs and make parents feel secure."

Bendix along with a team of mental health professionals came up with Camp Therapyology - an outdoor camp at Birmingham's Burnam Park that connects kids with their peers, provides physical activity and a chance to delve into issues they may be dealing with behind closed doors.

"They really lack the ability to have that conversation with their peers - even at school," Bendix said. "Topics like how do I talk to an adult, how do I advocate for myself, what happens if my friend needs help, what do I do?"

Camp Therapyology will be held twice a week this summer. Two licensed mental health professionals will head up several groups of eight, running socially distanced activities like relay races and making friendship bracelets, while also discussing stress management, tolerance and the pressures of social media.

"To pair topics and conversations with fun activities," she said. "So, one of the activities talking about is inclusivity and diversity and pair it with tie-dye activity."

As Bendix thought back to her youth, and how camp shaped her life - with leadership skills and lifelong friendships, she did not want middle and high schoolers to miss making those camp memories because of COVID-19.

"It is this one-stop shop for their generation and parents too, to get that emotional and social support," she said.

It starts next week, go to or call 248-733-4899.