EMS team carries 115 pound dog half mile home after her back legs give out on walk

Officer Vic Tamaro of the Toms River Police Department responded to a call Tuesday night that required some unusual backup. When an elderly man requested help getting his large dog home, Tamaro reached out to Silverton Emergency Medical Services for help, according to a Facebook post from the police department.

The man requested help from Toms River police after his 115-pound dog, Lola’s, back legs gave out during an evening walk.

Tamaro responded to the call and felt that it would be difficult for him to move Lola on his own as well as uncomfortable for her, so he requested Silverton EMS bring their “Reeves,” which is a specialized stretcher used by first responders, according to the Facebook post.

Silverton EMTs Jarret Jirak and Brett Kyle responded and were able to carry Lola approximately half a mile back to her home.
