Feds: Michigan man threatens to mail girl feces, $700 worth of pizza if she doesn't send him nude photos

A Clinton Township man is headed to prison for threatening a 13-year-old girl to get her to send him nude photos.

Alexander James Decker, 21, was sentenced this week to 30 years in prison after admitted to meeting the child on Snapchat and threatening her.

Federal authorities said Decker coerced the victim into sending him sexually explicit images in April and May 2021. When she stopped sending the photos, he threatened to distribute her previous photos, have $700 worth of pizza delivered to her house, and mail feces to her home.

"Mr. Decker hid behind the anonymity of the Internet to target, sexually exploit, and threaten children in the most reprehensible of ways. The protection of our children from predators like this defendant will remain a priority for the FBI as long as criminals like him exist," said James Tarasca, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Detroit Field Office. 

Decker also threatened and coerced several other minors into providing him with sexually explicit images, authorities said.

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In June 2022, Decker pleaded guilty to the sexual exploitation of children. At his plea hearing, Decker acknowledged that through his actions, he qualified as a repeat and dangerous sex offender.

"This offender terrorized and tortured minors to obtain sexually explicit images from them. This significant sentence shows that we will continue to work to protect the most vulnerable and to make the Internet a safer place for our children," said Dawn Ison, the United States Attorney.