Family law expert: Divorces spike at start of new year

Divorces happen either because somebody is having an affair or multiple or money or both.

Sabrina Cronin practices family law and she says she has never seen so many divorce cases in her office.

 While we know why people break up, why are there more cases on and right after January first?  A lot of it is because the holidays are finally over.  

"People want to wait in the best interest of children and wait after the holidays especially if you have younger children at home," Cronin said. "Let's not take the holidays and their memories with this ugly thing called divorce. Let's wait and let's try to do this reasonably and let's maybe get our ducks in a row and talk about how we want to move things along in the new year." 

And after seeing other families at their best-the idea if perfect looking families haunt many couples who wonder why their lives don't look like the happy holidays greeting cards and posts on social media.  

People don't post negative negative pictures or bad things on social media so people's perception or was there a viewing as often as cute and often just not real and that's why social media in my opinion it is really hurting people people. 

And one more point about why there is an even higher rate of divorce.  It could have to do with the Trump Tax plan that goes into effect.  

Depending on who you are in this divorce could either hurt you or help you to file in 2018 or 2019, clear that up for us?

"And 2019 the recipient of spousal support will not have to claim it as income to pay you and pay early cannot use it as a deduction any longer or not so if they were not filing an 18 and they have to file a 19 because they waited, it's a benefit to the one receiving the income and a detriment to the one who's paying it," Cronin said. 
