Man hurt in shooting outside coney island on Detroit's west side

Hours after Tracy Crandol learned her 27-year-old son had been shot in the parking lot of the Hollywood Coney on the city's west side, it's still so hard to get the words out. It's hard for her to imagine this happened to him and that it happened here, a place both of them often come.

"He was shot in the abdomen and in the leg and they have him in an [induced] coma. They are trying to keep him stable, he has a breathing tube. And I just wanna know who did this to my baby," she said. 

We originally spoke to mom shortly after Dajuan Crandol got out of surgery. She says he has since made a turnaround and is now awake and talking.

Police say someone shot him around midnight outside the restaurant in the 12000 block of Grand River. Why and by who though is still unclear.

"I know someone knows something. I know I want them to come forward and tell me what happened to my son," Crandol said. 

Evidence markers show exactly where the suspect opened fire on Dajuan. Police are now reviewing surveillance video to try and make sense of it all.

Police haven't given any information yet about a possible suspect. 

Crime PublicsafetyUs Mi/wayne County/detroitNews