Taxes are due Wednesday, July 15, three months later than usual

If you haven't filed your taxes yet, you're running out of time. The usual date was pushed back from April 15th to July 15th - which is Wednesday.

The rush to file taxes is usually done in mid-April but it was pushed back this year because of the pandemic to mid-July, the 15th to be exact. That's Wednesday.

The deadline is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15th to file your taxes and submit what you owe, if applicable. But if you're one of the millions of Americans out of work because of the COVID-19 pandemic and can't afford what you owe, you can still file an extension.

Adam Funk is a Certified Financial Planner and says his clients are filing right up until Wednesday's deadline. He says because of the pandemic, he's been working from home and is sitll doing a lot virtually.

"We weren't allowed to drive to our tax preparer and deliver it, right? It wasn't an essential business," Funk said. "I've got a few people coming in, a lot of people we can stil work virtually showing people how to scan documents with their phones. It's real simple, but it's still new for people,"

If you find out you owe on your taxes but can't pay yet, Funk says it's easy to get that taken care of and buy yourself some time.

"It's really simple, a one-page document. You can have your tax preparer do it or you can do it by going to it takes about one minute to do it," he said.

As for that stimulus check, if you've received yours you don't owe on these taxes but it will come back around next year.

"When you got the money you should have gotten a letter in the mail that said this is how much you got, keep that. That's a tax doc for next year," he said.

Funk says it's been a tough year but the pulse of his clients is stable, thanks to that boost in unemployment which has been a lifesaver for many. 

"People aren't panicking people have lost their jobs but at least they have the cash flow."

In the city of Detroit H&R Block is offering pickup services this eyar because of the virus. They'll come right to your home to pick up any tax documents that need to be filed.

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